Why Choose Us

  • Deliver Product As per Commitment.
  • Prior Customer needs Demand & Budget.
  • Huge collection of Quality product in Stock.
  • Offer most innovative & cutting edge updated product.
  • Offer best effective price within quality and after sales service Demo product offer before decide to purchase.


LABTEX SCIENTIFIC WORLD was starting his work since May 2019. Due to the hard work and sincerity they elaborate their business into various part of section.

LABTEX SCIENTIFIC WORLD is a Registered Member of Bangladesh Scientific Instruments Dealers Association Products: LABTEX SCIENTIFIC WORLD has been are supplier of precision Analytical & Life Science Laboratory Equipments, Chemicals, Reagent & Glassware to the Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Environmental Science, Agriculture, Food & Beverage, Textile Dying, Universities, Academic Research Institute, School & College in Bangladesh. Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest quality products and services as well as participation serving nation by deliver quality laboratory product.